Normal Skool Days With Gunga

It started one morning when I went to schoo. It was a charming morning and I just got done eating Cheerios, they always warm my heart. But at the same time they give me diabetes. I packed my bag with my homework and stuff to prepare for the day, but little did I know, I was gonna have the worst day ever!! I was super happy for the first day of schoo I was waiting for the bus with my dog gunga! The bus came and I said goodbye to my gunga and I could've swore I heard him say "bye" back to me. I went in the bus and as soon as I stepped on the bus all the kids spat all over me. And a few of them actually had herpes in the mouth. I instantly got infected by it and they spread faster than my grandma putting butter on bread. All the kids laughed at me and made me sit in the back of the bus with nobody to talk to."How can this day get any worse?" I told myself. Once we got to the school it apparently did get worse. Turns out gunga followed the schoo bus all the way to my schoo and then it happened, gunga slobbered all over the road then the bus crashed injuring all the people including me. My wrist was broke and had to have a cast on it. Not to mention it was my writing hand. I scolded gunga until he ran back home. But I had a feeling that wasn't the last I'd see of him for this school day. When I got into my classroom the teacher made me go to detention for being late for class because of the bus crash. In detention the teacher had me write 138 paragraphs on how many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie pop. I just bout dropped to the floor dead when my teacher had me do that. I tried telling him I couldn't write with my hand because it was broke but he just said."use your other hand!" But little did he know, I wasn't ambidextrous. I bursted into tears while spending 4 hours on the paragraphs, I felt like I was in hell. I just wanted to get out of this place. Once I was done my brain felt like it was gonna explode. I walked outside and was greeted by 7 Giant bully's that were ready to beat the living day lights out of me. And that they did. They grabbed my broken wrist and twisted it and then they punched my mouth until my teeth started to fall out. And started to spit on my body to give me more herpes and I was screaming on the top my lungs for help! But nothing came and the bully's just tortured me and I was helpless and couldn't defend myself. As I thought all hope was lost and I accepted my fate then all of a sudden gunga my dog jumped out and growled and attacked the bully's at that point I was knocked out and didn't see what happened next. Then when I woke up to my shock I seen the bully's on the ground dead with gunga chewing on their bones at that point I realized I never had a dog then gunga seen that I woke up and he then jumped on my bed.
He then swallowed a whole bottle of anthrax and shot out some wicked farts in my face. My heart instantly stopped and I then died. The end